Information Source | Information type | Description | Term in the result table |
Gene Ontology | Knowledgebase | Biological process, molecular function, and cellular component | GO: XXXXX |
Mouse genome informatics | Database | Phenotypes of knockout mice | MP: XXXXX |
Human phenotype ontology | Database | Phenotypic abnormalities in human | HP: XXXXX |
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man | Knowledgebase | Genetic diseases | OMIM: XXXXX |
Orphanet | Knowledgebase | Genetic diseases | ORPHA: XXXXX |
Human protein atlas (1) | Database | Subcellular localization | (A name of cellular component) |
Human protein atlas (2) | Database | Expression levels among human tissues | (A name of tissue)-(H/L)-(Level)* |
BioGRID | Database | Protein-protein interaction | BG: XXXXX |
DepMap | Database | Cancer cell growth under CRISPR/Cas9 mediated suppression of genes | DepMap |
ENCODE | Database | Transcription factor | TF: XXXXX |
Word2Vec | Knowledgebase | The similarity of the usage of gene terms in the MEDLINE abstract | Word2Vec |
* (example) Testis-H5: Expression level of a gene in testis is much higher than those in other tissues.
* (example) Testis-H1: Expression level of a gene in testis is a little higher than those in other tissues.